/Editor's Note: we're having some technical difficulties uploading images. We hope to have this sort out soon/quickly. In the meantime, you can see additional images here. (I continue to shake my fists at SquareSpace. Thanks for your patience : )
I’ve never been to a regatta. And I’ve never had a Heineken. So attending the Heineken Regatta was full of firsts. We decided to participate in the festivities by going to the famous Maho Beach and watch the boats sail out of Simpson Bay. And the strongest drink I had all day was a lemonade with a little too much Country Time powder.
We took the dinghy to the other side of the Lagoon and walked the remaining mile or so to Maho Beach, which is really just a spit of sand between the amazing blue bay and the end of the Princess Juliana Airport Runway.

Planes and boats. Six knots versus 250 mph. A lesson in juxtaposition.
After walking and ferrying ourselves back, we took the afternoon to have lunch and spend the hot hours of the day in the shade. Once the sun was lower in the sky, we set off “to climb a mountain”. The day before, SJ and I went on an expedition to a find a route to top of the Witches Tit. (Sorry, that’s what it’s called.) We succeeded. What a cool climb. We saw the goats the make the mountain top their home, I caught glimpse of a bright green, three foot iguana scurrying away from us in the bush, plus climbing the fascinating lava stone was a treat for the cliff-starved rock climber.
This morning, Lily woke us up with, “I go climb a mountain!” She wouldn’t let the idea go, so we promised to go after lunch. And we did.
I have to say, these are the kind of days I came for. We still have to sort out some issues with our boat, and are waiting for new fuel injector nozzles to be shipped in, but we declared today a Fezywig holiday and only did field trips. There will be more school, and there will be more work on the boat, but I also feel great knowing there will be more days like today: days spent together.