21 Ways I Fail at Marriage
/by EMILY ORTON on JANUARY 18, 2017
Working Together Photo Credit Ty Lamont Mecham
“Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely.”
I’m taking an honest look at 21 Ways I Fail at Marriage. This is a companion post to 21 Ways We Strengthen Our Marriage. I’ve spent half my life married to the same wonderful guy, so I’ve got plenty of material for both!
We all have a little baggage. Time to unpack!
- Parallel living--putting other responsibilities over our relationship
- Assuming I know his mind and heart without asking
- Misreading his looks or comments
- Believing I’m right and caring more about being right than being unified
- Imagining my life is harder than his
- Staying up on social media while my husband goes to sleep
- Keeping old hurts fresh in my mind
- Inflating small deals into big deals
- Entertaining jealousy
- Comparing myself to others
- Insecurity about what gifts I bring to the marriage
- Insecurity about my body (hint: confidence is sexy!)
- Avoiding eye contact
- Saying what is bothering me before processing it myself
- Making accusations about his motives instead of asking questions
- Not tending to my health with sleep, food and exercise
- Disclosing to others things that should only be sorted out between us
- Impulsive temper
- Feeding worry
- Impatience
- Interrupting
Weathering Storms
P.S. My husband is very forgiving!
Figuring It Out