Meet Our Mentors

Meet Our Mentors


A few weeks ago I wrote about drinking the Kool-Aid and how we can leverage our natural inclination to conform by deliberately choosing who we want to follow and then giving them lots of space in our brains. That’s what we did with Totem.
In early 2014 our family of seven moved out of our small Manhattan apartment into an even smaller boat where we lived for most of that year.  We did lots of two-steps forward one-step back preparations.  We’ll tell more in our upcoming memoir available March 2019. Nothing beats just starting, but one of the most important steps for facing our fears was finding mentors.

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You Are What You Read

You Are What You Read

I have a habit of rereading books I like.  But I don’t reread the whole book.  I like to skim through while I’m eating my bowl of cereal in the morning, only reading the bits I’ve underlined or highlighted.  I get reminded of all my favorite ideas and it stokes my fire for the day.  Here’s a selection I bracketed in Timothy Ferriss’ The 4-Hour Workweek.  As I re-read it, I found myself nodding my head in agreement, realizing how reading these kinds of books were a big part of what helped us get ourselves off the dock.  Several years later, I literally hear myself saying the exact same things I underlined.

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